「抗ウイルス・抗菌技術市場 2023-2033年」が対象とする主なコンテンツ
3.1 銀系抗菌技術
3.2 銅系抗菌技術
3.3 亜鉛系抗菌技術
3.4 シラン4級アンモニウム化合物(シランクワット)
3.5 その他抗菌技術
3.6 技術サマリーとその他考慮事項
「ウイルス・抗菌技術市場 2023-2033年」は以下の情報を提供します
- 抗菌技術産業の概要
- 抗菌技術の主な推進要因とアプリケーション
- 抗菌技術の環境・規制上の問題
- 主な抗菌技術の分析とその他技術の概要
- 抗菌技術を開発する100社以上の企業(残留性抗菌技術に焦点を当てた50社以上を含む)分析
- 作用
- 抗菌、抗真菌、抗ウイルス性 (入手可能な場合のみ)
- SWOT分析
- 主要有力企業リスト
This report covers the antimicrobial technology market, including analysis of four key antimicrobial technologies: silver, copper, zinc and silane quaternary compounds. Antimicrobial technologies provide residual protection against microbes. The report examines how the technologies work, key considerations for companies seeking to develop products, and analyzes over 100 companies active in this area.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the world's worst public health emergencies in living memory and has affected all aspects of life around the world. The pandemic has also propelled awareness of antimicrobial technology and antimicrobial products to new heights. Over the course of the pandemic, players in the antimicrobial technology market developed new antimicrobial additives and coatings to meet unprecedented demand for antiviral surfaces and residual antimicrobial protection.
What are antimicrobial technologies?
Antimicrobial technologies, as covered in this IDTechEx report, refer to additives and coatings that provide background elimination of microorganisms, including bacteria, virus, and fungi. While regular cleaning can remove and kill the microorganisms present on a surface, antimicrobial technologies offer continuous residual protection between cleans.
But even before the COVID-19 pandemic, antimicrobial technologies have been saving lives and money across a broad number of sectors. A key driver for the use of antimicrobial technologies is their ability to address hospital-acquired infections (or healthcare-associated infection). When used in healthcare facilities such as hospitals, antimicrobial technologies have been demonstrated to significantly decrease the rates of infection. By doing so, thousands if not tens of thousands of deaths can be prevented, and billions of dollars can be saved.
There are many opportunities beyond the healthcare sector, including food, agriculture, aquaculture, construction (including heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems), and public settings. The use of antimicrobial paints, coatings and additives in the built environment extends the lifetime of the product which has built-in antimicrobial technology. Beyond product protection, antimicrobial technology also indirectly improves human health through addressing indoor air quality. Antimicrobial textiles can provide anti-odor effect to clothing, curtains, carpets and soft furnishings. With the world moving against the prophylactic use of antibiotics in agriculture, antimicrobial companies can fill in the gap. And now, the COVID-19 pandemic has shed light on the importance of cleaning high-touch surfaces in public settings, and the role of antimicrobial technologies in public health by providing cleaner and safer environments for people in a post-pandemic world.

Applications for antimicrobial technologies are wide-ranging. Source: IDTechEx
What is in this report?
This report takes a deep dive into key antimicrobial technologies. The mechanism of action of each antimicrobial technology is explained and a comparison of efficacy claims from companies commercializing antimicrobial technologies is provided. Profiles of both major and emerging players, including primary interviews, are included in the report.
The key technologies covered in the report are:
- Silver, including silver chloride, silver zeolite, silver nanoparticles
- Copper, including copper oxide and copper nanoparticles
- Zinc, including zinc oxide and zinc pyrithione
- Silane quaternary ammonium compounds
The report also highlights a further 10 technologies either commercialized or in development, including new materials, innovative methods to stabilize and localize traditional disinfectants, biomimetic technologies such as surface patterning techniques, and antimicrobials derived from nature, such as enzymes, peptides, and dyes.
IDTechEx have identified over 100 companies that are actively developing antimicrobial technologies and products, including over 50 companies focused entirely in this area. Discussion on market sizing, market outlook, market forecast, and the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic are also included in the report. This report does not include market analysis or forecast of final products that include antimicrobials.
Why is this important?
The information provided in this report will be helpful to those seeking to follow this rising antimicrobial trend by clarifying considerations in developing antimicrobial technology. While technologies may appear similar on first glance, the pandemic is driving a rise in companies looking to make quick wins by operating in grey areas. With public awareness at an all-time high, now is the time to develop environmentally responsible, sustainable, effective, and future-proof antimicrobial products. Antimicrobial technologies have significant potential beyond exiting the COVID-19 pandemic safely, but it can also bring about worse problems when used incorrectly.
Key aspects
The report provides the following information:
- Overview of the antimicrobial technology industry
- Key drivers and applications for antimicrobial technologies
- Environmental and regulatory concerns of antimicrobial technologies
- Analysis of key antimicrobial technologies and brief coverage of others
- Analysis of over 100 companies developing antimicrobial technology, including over 50 companies focused on residual antimicrobial technologies
For each of the key antimicrobial technologies (silver, copper, zinc and silane quaternary ammonium compounds), the following is covered in the report:
- Mechanism of action
- Antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral efficacies where available
- SWOT analysis
- List of key players