28 Apr 2006
RFID in Action 2006
IDTechEx has written a new report, with the support of GS1 UK, introducing you to 22 global implementations of RFID in Action.

21 Apr 2006
IDTechEx wins Queen's award for outstanding growth
We are delighted to announce that we have won the UK's most prestigious business award.

12 Apr 2006
Extreme fragmentation of RFID supply
Extreme fragmentation of RFID supply is not what the users want, and IDTechEx believe that appropriate international acquisitions could gain massive competitive advantage.

10 Apr 2006
Highlights from RFID Smart Labels USA 2006
The fifth - and largest - IDTechEx event RFID Smart Labels USA event

06 Apr 2006
Flexo vs gravure
As processes are scaled up and costs have to come down, we see printed electronics increasingly being made with traditional high speed printing technology, particularly as suitably thin, high integrity inks become available. Read about this battle.