30 Nov 2023
Spatial Computing Optics Market to Exceed US$5B by 2034
AR and VR (augmented and virtual reality) headsets are well on their way to establishing themselves as the next important category of computing devices. Mixed reality-capable VR headsets like Meta's Quest 3 and the upcoming Apple Vision Pro are demonstrating the true power of spatial computing. VR headsets for home gaming have sold by the million, while AR glasses have carved out a place in the industry.

29 Nov 2023
Aerogel Manufacturing Scaling to Meet EV Demand
Historically, the aerogel market has experienced slow and steady growth. With the newly found demand for thermal insulation and fire protection in electric vehicle (EV) batteries, aerogel manufacturers are making big plans and investments in order to scale up in preparation to serve this new market.

28 Nov 2023
Hyper Personalized Approaches to Healthcare
The future of healthcare is increasingly personalized, with smartwatches that can monitor key vital signs from the comfort of the living room to genetic testing that can tell people vital information about their health. Tracking information within the body and having doctors able to prescribe personalized cancer treatments demonstrate how technologies are creating a new future of healthcare.

28 Nov 2023
Material Innovation to Drive the Water Electrolyzer Market
In an era marked by a global shift towards sustainable energy solutions, the hydrogen industry is at the forefront of this transformative wave. Green hydrogen, produced through water electrolysis-powered renewable energy, stands out as a key solution for decarbonizing sectors where direct electrification remains a challenge.

27 Nov 2023
Upcoming Webinar - A Vision of the Future of Optics for AR and VR
Tuesday 5 December 2023 - Overview of how the changing XR device market has driven new requirements for XR optics; Outlook for the development of AR waveguide combiner industry, with key innovations highlighted; Analysis of the rapid rise of pancake lenses in VR and identification of the technologies that may replace them; Overview of the latest ten-year market forecasts for XR optics, predicting technological winners and the suitability of optics types for different segments of the XR device market

24 Nov 2023
The Automotive Display Eco-System - A Complex Environment
Modern automotive interiors are evolving at a tremendously fast pace, moving past the mechanical dials and becoming fully electronic. The key attributes of these electronics are noticed by consumers, such as the design of the display, its curvature, brightness, and type of technology, i.e., OLED or LCD, when, in reality, there is a lot more that goes into building the display and assembling the entire unit.

24 Nov 2023
Evolution of the Automotive Industry and Electrification Beyond Cars
2023 has proven another momentous year for the electric vehicle (EV) market. 2022 saw electric car sales rise by 62% compared with 2021, and IDTechEx estimates that 2023 will see global sales rise by another 16%. But what can we expect for the future of EVs? In this article, Dr James Edmondson and Shazan Siddiqi from IDTechEx discuss what can be learned about the future of electrification, not only for vehicles on land, but also for marine sectors and aerial vehicles.

23 Nov 2023
The E-textiles Journey from Heated Clothing to Monitoring Astronauts
From blankets to towels to clothing to upholstery, humans are in contact with textiles for almost all their lives. Textiles, used for warmth, comfort, and aesthetics, can be combined with electronics to gain exciting new functionalities.

23 Nov 2023
Upcoming Webinar - Electrifying Vehicles Across Land, Sea, and Air
Wednesday 6 December - Cars; Light commercial vehicles; Trucks; Buses; Boats and ships; Trains; Air Taxis (eVTOL)

22 Nov 2023
Surging CNT Capacity Enables Applications Beyond Li-ion Batteries
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are gaining significant traction as a conductive additive at the cathode of lithium-ion batteries (LiB), a market driven in turn by the electrification of vehicles. This success has seen an explosion in the global production capacity of CNTs, with players racing to establish themselves as a leading supplier to the energy sector. However, the potential application areas for CNTs extend far beyond batteries. In this article, IDTechEx assesses the effects of increasing capacity and how this surge in supply will open opportunities for CNTs beyond the LiB market.

21 Nov 2023
6G - Now and the Future
Every decade, a new telecom generation emerges, with 5G currently being commercialized, offering faster data rates, low latency, and enhanced reliability. 6G is characterized by Tbps data rates, microsecond latency, and extensive network dependability.

21 Nov 2023
Webinar - Flexible and Printed Electronics Progress and Outlook
Friday 1 December 2023 - Following the Money - Enabling Materials (conductive inks, CNTs and graphene); Comparisons of applicable 2D and 3D manufacturing processes; Outlook for key components including sensors, batteries and displays; Market drivers and needs