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Research Articles

28 Feb 2018

Laser Manufacturing of Lightweight Structures: Automotive & Aerospace

As the demand for lightweight materials increases in the automotive and aerospace industries, so does the demand for suitable processing methods. Can we minimize material use? Can we obtain high-strength welds without damaging temperature sensitive composites?
North America (USA + Canada), Worldwide
27 Feb 2018

Metal Matrix Composites (MMC): finally reaching the top of wish lists

Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) have been known and explored for a very long time, but new innovations and an increased demand for high-performance lightweight materials means that they are finally ready to make it beyond their previous false starts.
20 Feb 2018

Advanced Touch Technology

Sensel creates next-generation touch technology. Multi-touch, highly sensitive, low power, and mobile, Sensel's PressureGrid™ makes computing more comfortable and creative.
16 Feb 2018

High-Power UV-LED Light Sources

Hamamatsu is a manufacturer of devices for the generation and measurement of infrared, visible, UV light and x-rays.
15 Feb 2018

'Escape the earth' in this road worthy Flying Car

Terrafugia's mission is to create practical flying cars that enable a new dimension of personal freedom. Terrafugia (ter-ra-FOO-jee-ah) is derived from the Latin for "Escape the Earth".
14 Feb 2018


14 Feb 2018

Sports performance tracking for elite level athletics teams

Data-basing movement in sport, fitness and healthcare using precision location technology and unique cross platform software for sensor based systems.
09 Feb 2018

Webinar Thursday 22 February - Electric Buses 2018-2038

IDTechEx will be holding a free webinar on Thursday 22 February titled Electric Buses 2018-2038.
08 Feb 2018

Advanced aluminium alloys are set to take off

Lightweight metals are forecast to enter a growth phase as both material maturity and market drivers become aligned. IDTechEx has released a new technical report on this topic, Lightweight Metals 2018-2028: Forecasts, Developments, Players, which provides extensive coverage of this field based on analyst-led primary research.
07 Feb 2018

Novel Polysulfide Polymers for Flexible Electronics

Ares Materials is developing novel transparent polymer materials for the next generation of truly flexible mobile, wearable and embedded electronics.
06 Feb 2018

Smart Underwear: Connected Textiles

Using printed electronics and fiber science Myant seamlessly embed technology into textiles to change the way we live.
05 Feb 2018

Autonomous mobile picking robots learn, fast

In the past five years or so several major research groups have demonstrated that robots can learn to grasp novel varied objects with accuracy levels around 80-85%. Still performance levels, even in the labs, are sub-human but this is changing fast.