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Research Articles

30 Jan 2020

Impact of Technology Development on Li-ion Supply Chain

Understanding the future of the Li-ion supply chain requires clarity on the technologies and chemistries that will be used over the coming decade.
30 Jan 2020

Webinar Wednesday 5 February 2020 - Plant-Based and Cultured Meat

IDTechEx will be hosting a free webinar on Wednesday 5 February 2020 titled Plant-Based and Cultured Meat: The Future of Meat Alternatives.
24 Jan 2020

Boost to the Electric Vehicle Motor Business

Electric vehicles by land, water and air are rapidly arriving and rapidly being misunderstood. Motors last forever? No. We now push motors so hard they wear out, increasing sales.
22 Jan 2020

プリンテッド エレクトロニクス: チャンスは次々にやってくる

一部の業界で劇的な変化が起きており、主要なプリンテッド・エレクトロニクスのベンダーは新たに需要が高まっている機能から収益を上げようと迅速に動いている。こうしたチャンスは、5月13-14日のベルリンでの Printed Electronics Europhttp ( の展示会およびカンファレンスで取り上げられる。
17 Jan 2020

Smart Materials Replace Components: A New $200 Billion Business

Here come previously impossible devices and structures. The new IDTechEx report, "Smart Material Opportunities in Structural Electronics 2020-2030" analyses and forecasts a remarkable $200 billion materials opportunity by making dumb structures smart.
14 Jan 2020

Webinar Thursday 23 January 2020- Electric Vehicle Motor Manufacturers

IDTechEx will be hosting a free webinar on Thursday 23 January 2020 titled Electric Vehicle Motor Manufacturers: Which to Buy, Employ, Avoid.
14 Jan 2020

Diagnosing Cardiovascular Disease

Diagnosing CVD is the first step in patients' road to recovery. It is imperative to detect the disease early in order to administer treatment while it is still treatable. In addition, preventing the disease altogether is becoming more important in healthcare. The main approaches for detecting CVD are currently in vitro diagnostics (IVD) at point-of-care (POC) and the use artificial intelligence (AI) in cardiovascular imaging.
13 Jan 2020

Newly Updated Report from IDTechEx "Electric Trucks 2020-2030"

IDTechEx Technology Analyst Dr David Wyatt has recently published a report update "Electric Truck 2020-2030", focusing on electrification in the medium and heavy-duty truck markets, providing a comprehensive set of market forecasts.
07 Jan 2020

New Methods of Recycling Polymers

Recycling waste plastics is essential to creating a circular economy. Current recycling methods are hampered by issues such as societal perceptions of recycling, to economic barriers and technological; however, over the past few years the number of technical innovations to improve polymer recycling have substantially increased.
03 Jan 2020

Robot Shuttles: Major New Form of Transportation

IDTechEx has issued the first in-depth report on this called, "Robot Shuttles and Autonomous Buses 2020-2040". Robot shuttles are an important new, reconfigurable form of transportation for goods and people that may even function as mobile offices, workshops, restaurants and more.