28 Sep 2015
Flexible sensors come to market thanks to tens of millions investment
Large investments have been made to enable flexible, thin sensors rather than rigid sensors.

25 Sep 2015
Small electric vehicles $33 billion market
Small manned electric vehicles - e-bikes to car-like micro EVs - often sell in the largest numbers. Although they are usually lower in cost than regular cars, they will reach over $33 billion in 2026 according to IDTechEx analysis.

22 Sep 2015
Visualizing the 3D printing landscape
The 3D printing industry is still going from strength to strength. According to the IDTechEx report 3D Printing 2015-2025: Technologies, Markets, Players this industry is set to grow from $1bn in 2012 to $20bn in 2025.

21 Sep 2015
Perovskite photovoltaics excitement
Perovoskite photovoltaics promises over 20% efficiency, low cost materials and even flexible, transparent and stretchable versions dearly needed for new applications. Record power to weight ratio is needed for the electric vehicle end game, the land vehicles, boats and aircraft described in the IDTechEx report, Energy Independent Vehicles 2016-2026.

17 Sep 2015
CENEX LCV Event: 48V Systems, Energy Storage, SR Motors
Another major focus was 48V systems some in EVs but mainly for microhybrid (stop-start) and mild hybrid (torque assist) for managing the now huge amounts of energy in and out with new forms of harvesting and tougher duty cycles and also more power-hungry accessories. That has resulted in a large number of redesigned and new accessories in anticipation of new standards.

17 Sep 2015
Exotic new sources of free electricity: $50 billion market
High Power Energy Harvesting (HPEH) is a term beginning to be used for creation of electricity where it is needed using ambient "free" energy. That zero-pollution, high-energy conversion typically captures light (photovoltaics), heat difference (thermoelectrics and heat pumps) and movement (electrodynamics).

16 Sep 2015
Printed electronics equipment sales: companies look to Asia
The printed electronics equipment and consumables supplier base consists of over 100 global organizations, according to IDTechex Research in their report Printing Equipment for Printed Electronics 2015-2025. The majority of these are based in Europe, followed by a roughly even share of US and Asian based companies. Within Europe itself, Germany is home to more equipment makers than other European countries.

United States, Worldwide
16 Sep 2015
Intel, Honeywell, Invisage at IDTechEx Sensors USA
Leading companies will speak at IDTechEx Sensors USA on November 18-19, 2015 in Santa Clara, CA.

United Kingdom, Worldwide
16 Sep 2015
CENEX LCV: Event In-wheel Motors & Lightweighting
The Riversimple two seat fuel cell hybrid car was on show in powertrain form at CENEX recently and in addition to the Hydrogenics fuel cell as fuel tank and the lithium-ion capacitor as engine it had four in-wheel motors.

United Kingdom, Worldwide
15 Sep 2015
CENEX LCV Event: Micro EVs & Buses
Supporting IDTechEx strong forecasts for car-like vehicles not homologated as cars or even crash tested, we saw a lot at this event.

United Kingdom, Worldwide
14 Sep 2015
CENEX LCV Event: Range Extenders
The latest CENEX Low Carbon Vehicle Event took place at Millbrook UK mid September with over 50% growth on last year there being over 3000 delegates and over 200 exhibitors, mostly parts suppliers and charging station manufacturers but with several prestige stands from major motor manufacturers.

11 Sep 2015
Electric energy independent vehicles: electric vehicle end game
Energy Independent Vehicles 2016-2026, the brand new report from IDTechEx Research, argues that electric energy independent vehicles will be one of the most important megatrends this century because buying and delivering fuel becomes a thing of the past and a major source of global and local pollution is eliminated.