27 Jan 2012
New 2012 forecasts for Electric Vehicles
Old electric vehicle reports are useless: the subject is moving too fast. IDTechEx is the only analyst with 18 current reports forecasting sales of electric vehicles and their key components and they are kept up to date. Information is fed into these documents continuously as the PhD level IDTechEx analysts tour the world's companies, research institutes and conferences to spot the many changes in technology and business success and interpret them.

Germany, Worldwide
25 Jan 2012
Solar energy harvesting: Is scaling up the only way forward?
IDTechEx's Energy Harvesting & WSN conference in Berlin, on May 15 and 16 this year (www.IDTechEx.com/EH ) will focus both on wireless sensors as well as the photovoltaic and other harvesting technologies that are being integrated and are creating exciting new market segments for solar cells.

United States, Worldwide
20 Jan 2012
EV event uniquely reflecting the new realities
We have entered 2012 with an electric vehicle scene that is very different from that which was envisaged not long ago. There are now six key enabling technologies not three and vehicle makers increasingly make some of them, so suppliers increasingly have to compete with their largest potential customers. Precious metals in EV components are being removed remarkably rapidly.

Europe, Germany
18 Jan 2012
Printed Electronics: The hot topics
OLED versus LED lighting, the energy storage gold rush, replacing ITO and more.

12 Jan 2012
2012: Pushing forward with innovation in energy harvesting
2011 turned out to be a very interesting year for energy harvesting, full of scientific advances, technology breakthroughs and new product developments. IDTechEx predicts that the trend is set to continue, with further developments expected in 2012, along with expansion of commercialization efforts which will push energy harvesting adoption forward.

11 Jan 2012
Printed Electronics Europe Exhibition Space Expanded by 41%
IDTechEx's Printed Electronics Europe 2012 event in Berlin, Germany on April 3-4, will be the largest gathering of end users discussing their needs and experiences with the technology. The event matches technology providers with adopters.