30 Mar 2022
5G: The Market GaN Needs
The current state of 5G has seen less technological innovation than might have initially been expected. There is certainly more scope for technical development and hence opportunities for several technologies and materials, a critical one of which is the semiconductor technology with wide bandgap semiconductors.

29 Mar 2022
Join the Upcoming Webinar on Metal Additive Manufacturing
Thursday 31 March 2022 - Rebounding From COVID to Hit $18 Billion. This webinar will include a discussion of COVID-19's effect on metal AM; key trends influencing metal AM's rise, including discussion on relevant players and news; and an overview of IDTechEx's metal AM market forecast

28 Mar 2022
3D Electronics Enables Greater Integration
While 3D electronics has long been used for adding antennas and simple conductive interconnects to the surface of 3D injection-molded plastic objects, more complex circuits are increasingly being added onto surfaces made from a variety of materials by utilizing new techniques.

24 Mar 2022
Low-Cost Sensing Assists Climate Adaptation
'What gets measured gets managed' is a well-known adage in business, but could it also be applied to mitigating the effects of climate change? The recently published IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report emphasizes the importance of adaptation alongside emission reduction.

23 Mar 2022
Not So Fast: EV Charging Rates Make a Difference
Charging speeds for electric vehicles (EVs) vary, from as little as 15 minutes using an ultra-rapid 350 kW charger, to as much as 24 hours when relying on a domestic wall outlet. Eventually, we could reach a point where recharging barely takes longer than filling up with fuel.

17 Mar 2022
Finally, the First Mass Market Adoption of a Nanocarbon
The revolutionary promise of nanocarbons has been touted for more than 3 decades, but despite the extraordinary properties and commercial hype, the success has been limited - until now. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) may not be as glamorous as their younger sibling graphene, but IDTechEx forecast the annual demand to exceed 70 ktpa by 2032 as for the first time the manufacturers experience a mass-market pull rather than a material push.

16 Mar 2022
MWC 2022: Trends in futuristic applications and network infrastructure
The MWC event in Barcelona earlier this month gathered more than 60,000 mobile experts from all around the world. From digital applications to network infrastructure, IDTechEx was there to cover major developments in the industry! Here are some of the key trends we observed at MWC2022 Barcelona.

16 Mar 2022
Can Oil be Climate Compatible?
The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report warned us over the threat global warming is posing, with consequences already being felt and accelerating rapidly. At the same time, the price of oil is at its highest since 2008 and is likely to continue to soar. Although prices at these levels are largely war-driven, both oil and gas prices were already climbing as economies reopened last year. These events have just shown how energy vulnerable and dependent on fossil fuels the global economy still is.

15 Mar 2022
Electric Construction Machines Vital for Greener Construction
Construction machines are estimated to generate around 400 Mt of CO2 emission per year, which is around 1.1% of global CO2 emission. Decarbonization of non-road mobile machines will therefore be an important factor in efforts to limit global climate change. With an increasing number of countries around the world committing to a net-zero carbon future, the construction industry is facing growing scrutiny of its' greenhouse gas emissions.

15 Mar 2022
Metal Additive Manufacturing Rebounds to Hit $18 Billion by 2032
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted a key target market for metal additive manufacturing - aviation. Additionally, global supply chain disruptions have led companies to re-evaluate their operations. Within this environment, how has metal additive manufacturing fared?

14 Mar 2022
Alternative Batteries to Play a Key Role for Stationary Storage
Announcements of developments to alternative, next-generation, non-lithium battery chemistries, including redox flow, metal-air, or sodium-ion batteries, are now a regular occurrence. Despite interest in these alternatives, Li-ion batteries remain the dominant choice for consumer devices, electric vehicles, and stationary storage. However, the importance of non-lithium battery chemistries is expected to grow considerably over the next 10 years, especially in the stationary energy storage sector. By 2025, IDTechEx forecast that >10% of the stationary market will be accounted for by non-lithium chemistries, up from <5% in 2021.

11 Mar 2022
Join the Free-to-Attend Upcoming Webinar on Green Construction
Thursday 24 March 2022 - Green Construction: Growing Demand for Electric Construction Machines. Electric construction vehicles a $105 billion market in 2042. Find out more in this webinar presented by IDTechEx Technology Analyst, Dr David Wyatt