20 Jan 2009
What we need from printed electronics - feedback from end users
At the annual IDTechEx Printed Electronics Europe 2009 conference and exhibition, IDTechEx will uniquely feature a range of end user companies discussing their needs from printed electronics.

15 Jan 2009
Printed Electronics World website updated
Printed Electronics World was launched by IDTechEx in May 2007 to act as a portal covering global progress in printed electronics in it's many forms - organic, printed inorganics etc.

14 Jan 2009
Paybacks from energy harvesting
This article shares some of the research carried out for the new IDTechEx report "Energy Harvesting and Storage for Electronic Devices 2009-2019".

United Kingdom
12 Jan 2009
Finance for Printed Electronics is Not Drying Up
The news media are full of the details of the global financial meltdown. Is this affecting finance for the small companies and start-ups involved in printed and potentially printed electronics and electrics? We think not.