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Research Articles

29 Mar 2019

Internet of Things Applications Europe 2019

The world of industry is irrevocably changing quickly, going wireless and getting smarter. The Internet of Things conference holding on 10-11 April in Berlin will focus on industry 4.0/Industrial IoT regarding connectivity, predictive maintenance and uses cases.
29 Mar 2019

Electric Vehicles: Everything is Changing Europe 2019

IDTechEx is the only analyst company in the world following the electrification of 65+ vehicle segments. Looking beyond the battery-electric car movement, it is our position that an equally inevitable transition is taking place, not only with alternative vehicles, but also with alternative forms of powertrain.
27 Mar 2019


この記事ではモバイル・ワールド・コングレス(MWC)2019に出展されたものの中から、注目すべき5G関連技術をご紹介します。更に詳しくはIDTechExの調査レポート『5G Technology, Market and Forecast 2019-2029』をご覧ください。
26 Mar 2019

OLED patterning: FMM, inkjet printing, OVJP and more

In this slide presentation (see link below), we examine the different deposition and patterning techniques for forming OLED displays
22 Mar 2019

Midi and School Buses will Drive Huge Component Demand

There are over two million midi buses in the world. For example, most of the 1.6 million school buses are midi buses though North American ones are mainly larger. The new IDTechEx Research report, "Electric School Buses and Midi Buses 2019-2039" finds that almost none are electric. It is very different for larger buses, for now at least.
21 Mar 2019

Bioelectronic Medicine - A Drug-Free Solution to Chronic Diseases

In 2018, bioelectronic medicine was named by the World Economic Forum as one of ten top technologies to change medical treatment.
19 Mar 2019

Airbus, Altran and Microsoft Open the IDTechEx Show!

The IDTechEx Show! at the Estrel Convention Centre in Berlin, Germany on 10 - 11 April is the leading global event for product innovators and technology scouts. Opening the event will be two Cornerstone presentations that will cover exciting developments across these technologies.
United States
17 Mar 2019

Fluence Analytics

Provider of advanced monitoring solutions for the chemical and biopharma industries including data analysis for polymerization reactions and stability of protein or polymer formulations
15 Mar 2019

Next Electric Vehicles Get Ultra Lightweight Motors

In electric aircraft, motor power-to-weight ratio is paramount for endurance, the main constraint on sales. You cannot lug ever more battery weight to get range. Indeed, better motors mean less battery in a land, water or air vehicle. The new IDTechEx Research report, "Electric Motors for Electric Vehicles: Land, Water, Air 2019-2029" explains the new emphasis on power-to-weight ratio with good efficiency.
14 Mar 2019

Webinar Thursday 28 March 2019- Electric Motors for Electric Vehicles

IDTechEx is hosting a free webinar on Thursday 28 March 2019 titled Electric Motors for Electric Vehicles Land, Water, Air: $100+bn Market Emerging.
13 Mar 2019


13 Mar 2019

3D Printing in the Medical Industry: Medicine, Implants, Models, more

One of the key industries to have successfully leveraged the advantages of 3D printing is the medical and dental industry. 3D printing allows for the creation of personalized medical devices to be streamlined, and it has also been used to improve surgical outcomes and deliver personalized medicines. IDTechEx has forecasted that the market for 3D printing of medical devices and living tissues will be worth $8.1 billion by the year 2029.