United States, Worldwide
31 Aug 2012
Energy harvesting, WSN, supercaps: 3 Events, 2 Days, 1 Venue
For the first time in this year's event in Washington DC on the 7th and 8th of November, a third event, focusing on supercapacitor technologies will be co-located, highlighting the advances, applications and adoption trends in this closely related field.

30 Aug 2012
Zinc based energy harvesting
A new IDTechEx report requested by several of the world's largest chemical companies looks at the families of element and compound that will be most widely used in the new electronics and electrics.

22 Aug 2012
Assess the future of graphene at Graphene LIVE!
Graphene is one of the most exciting new materials currently being developed. It brings superlative performance to supercapacitors, batteries, touch screens, logic, sensors, displays, composites and much more thanks to its electrical, thermal and mechanical properties.

United Kingdom
20 Aug 2012
Flexible barriers: A $1 billion opportunity by 2022
As more and more flexible devices are becoming available, the need for better performing barriers and encapsulation materials at lower cost points intensifies.

13 Aug 2012
Printing technology comes to supercapacitors
Wound (rolled) rechargeable batteries and supercapacitors (Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors) are similar in construction.

10 Aug 2012
Big disagreement on where lithium-ion batteries are headed
Lithium-ion is the winning type of rechargeable battery for the decade - there is almost a consensus. You can count about 150 manufacturers of these and IDTechEx has profiled nearly all of them.

07 Aug 2012
How green are electric vehicles really?
Electric vehicles are not green just because they use electricity rather than fuel, but their green credentials critically depend on the materials used, the driving conditions and, most importantly, the carbon intensity of their electricity sources.

03 Aug 2012
Thermoelectric Generators: A $750 Million market by 2022
Although thermoelectric phenomena have been used for heating and cooling applications quite extensively, electricity generation has only seen very limited market in niche applications and it is only in recent years that interest has increased regarding new applications of energy generation through thermoelectric harvesting.