20 Dec 2006
Significant RFID Roll-Outs in the Postal Sector
In 2007, approximately 650 billion articles will be sent through postal and courier systems around the world. After retail, the tagging of each postal item is the next largest potential market for RFID by volume of tags. There are numerous significant RFID roll-outs in this sector which are under publicized, and here Raghu Das from IDTechEx summarises the latest progress.

13 Dec 2006
RFID in 2006: A story of extremes
As we enter 2007, many RFID suppliers are licking their wounds, while for others, RFID business is booming. As IDTechEx interview solution providers and users across the RFID industry for the new report RFID Forecasts, Players & Opportunities 2007-2017 to be released in January, Raghu Das, CEO, summarizes some of the findings.

11 Dec 2006
CEO's and Investors meet at RFID Investment Summit
CEO's from the creme-de-la-creme of the pure-play RFID companies that are leading the market as well as stealthy start-ups will gather in Boston on February 20 at the RFID Investment Summit to meet with investors.

11 Dec 2006
Active RFID Attracts More Big Money
With the launch of an RFID Investment Summit to be held in Boston on Feb 20, Raghu Das, CEO of IDTechEx looks at the recent investor interest in RFID and particularly active RFID and Real Time Locating Systems.

05 Dec 2006
Feedback from the Active RFID Summit
Over 200 people attended the second annual IDTechEx Active RFID Summit in Atlanta, Georgia in November. There were many positive remarks about the event and delegates expressed particular interest in Real Time Locating Systems (RTLS) this year.