29 Jan 2016
Exciting line-up for conference on future electric vehicle technology
"The EV scene has changed radically in the last year," says Raghu Das CEO of IDTechEx, "and our forthcoming conference Electric Vehicles Everything is Changing will reflect that."

28 Jan 2016
Solar roads find many uses
Installing photovoltaics in roads seems a daft idea at first. It sounds expensive and unlikely to work unless cleaned, free of snow and ice and in direct sunlight - all too infrequent in most places. Indeed, roads are constantly dug up by utilities, repairmen and others. How do you do that with sheets of glass?

28 Jan 2016
Energy Harvesting & Storage Conference: Call for Papers
The IDTechEx conference "Energy Harvesting & Storage" takes place in Berlin April 27-28. IDTechEx invites further submission of proposed presentations.

28 Jan 2016
The new Ultra HD standard and why it matters for quantum dot suppliers
The UHD Alliance has launched a new standard for TV. Our analyst explains why it will help new display technologies based on quantum dots.

28 Jan 2016
Start-up or research company? Explore IDTechEx Launchpad Initiative
The IDTechEx Launchpad initiative is open to early-stage start-ups, universities, newly spun-out companies, research labs and government labs who can demonstrate a working prototype or product that highlights new advances in any of the related event topics of: 3d printing, electric vehicles, energy harvesting, graphene, internet of things, printed electronics, sensors, or wearable technology.

27 Jan 2016
Printed and flexible electronics in vehicles: a $5.5bn opportunity
Printed and flexible electronics are beginning to proliferate, with a variety of components and devices coming to market. Several end-user verticals are expected to benefit from the host of advantages these technologies offer and the automotive sector is no exception.

27 Jan 2016
IDTechEx is looking for Technology Analysts - apply NOW
IDTechEx the leader in market research on emerging technologies is seeking high-calibre analysts to rapidly expand its operations globally.

21 Jan 2016
Webinar Tuesday 2 February: The Future of Robotics
IDTechEx are hosting a free webinar on Tuesday 2 February 2016.

20 Jan 2016
Microdisplay technologies for smartglasses
If the buzz at the Consumer Electronics Show is any indication of things to come (and it usually is), 2016 is expected to be the year of virtual reality.

14 Jan 2016
Webinar Tuesday 26 January: Energy Independent Electric Vehicles
IDTechEx are hosting a free webinar on Tuesday 26 January 2016.

12 Jan 2016
The $100bn robotics opportunity
The first industrial robot, Unimate, went into operation at a General Motors plant in 1961. Over the next few decades the use of industrial robot arms in the automotive industry matured.

06 Jan 2016
Are e-textiles on the cusp of rapid growth?
Whilst the majority of wearable technology products sold today still fit with the components-in-a-box design, 2015 has been a record year for investment in smart clothing and e-textile products.