14 Feb 2007
RFID Forecasts, Players & Opportunities 2007-2017
IDTechEx has interviewed key RFID adopters and solution providers in the various applicational RFID markets. This research has been analysed in a brand new report giving an unprecedented level of insight into the total RFID industry and what is really happening. Raghu Das, CEO of IDTechEx, summarizes some of the findings.

13 Feb 2007
RFID business cases and technologies analyzed
In 2007 IDTechEx expect that 1.71 billion tags will be sold. The total RFID market value (including all hardware, systems, integration etc) across all countries will be $4.96 Billion. This research for the IDTechEx RFID Forecasts, Players and Opportunities 2007-2017 report has been used to put together an unmissable line-up of speakers that you need to hear and learn from.

08 Feb 2007
IEEE Rubee™ Network Standard Meeting
Working Group for IEEE Rubee™ Network Standard meeting in Boston on Feb 20

08 Feb 2007
Emerson & Cuming Press Release
Novel, Water-based Conductive Ink from Acheson Improves RFID Antenna Production