28 Feb 2006
Printing the Electronic Future
Globally the printing industry is in decline. Are the centuries of sophisticated development of the science and production technology for printing declining in a whimper? The answer is probably not. Certainly there is a fascinating escape route opening up for some. It is the printing of electronics.

20 Feb 2006
Chipless RFID - The End Game
RFID tags that do not contain a silicon chip are called chipless tags. The primary potential benefit of the most promising chipless tags is that eventually they could be printed directly on products and packaging for 0.1 cents and replace ten trillion barcodes yearly with something far more versatile and reliable. Learn more from exclusive new IDTechEx research.

13 Feb 2006
Active RFID - Innovation and Very Rapid Growth
Active RFID is little reported, but its use is growing rapidly. New IDTechEx research

08 Feb 2006
Defining RFID: A review of RFID Forecasts
In the last few weeks several analysts have published forecasts for the RFID market in 2010 ranging from $1.5 Billion to $30 Billion. Why the difference?

06 Feb 2006
RFID Smart Labels USA 2006: Keynote Speakers
The fifth annual event from IDTechEx, March 28-29, Boston, MA, USA, covers new ground with new key speakers.

01 Feb 2006
A Step Change in Printing and Electronics
Printing Electronics - prepare for a step change in the printing and electronics industries. Here we introduce the technology and explore new opportunities as the printing and electronics industry converge.