29 May 2013
OLED vs LED lighting: Is there room for OLED lighting?
IDTechEx Research finds that in its "most likely" forecasts scenario OLED lighting will become a $1.3 billion market in 2023 - equating to 1.3% of the market size of LED lighting at that time.

28 May 2013
Electric Vehicle Market Forecasts
The new report from IDTechEx Hybrid & Pure Electric Vehicles for Land, Water & Air 2013-2023: Forecasts, Technologies, Players finds that the total market for hybrid and pure electric vehicles will grow from 38.8 million vehicles (of all types) in 2013 to 116 million vehicles in 2023 - a $294 billion market.

24 May 2013
Global marine electric vehicle market to reach $6.3bn in 2023
Virtually all autonomous underwater vehicles are electric for practical reasons - the internal combustion engine ICE is not a realistic option. Not so on the surface, where the ICE is the favoured means of propulsion. However, even here, there is now a strong move to hybrid and pure-electric drivetrains for many powerful reasons, so it is timely to look at marine electric vehicles in general.

22 May 2013
Graphene - what next after the hype?
Graphene has already come a long way towards commercialisation, despite its short history. But really hard questions still remain about what comes next and how to grow revenues.

21 May 2013
Disputed sales of electric cars: the truth behind the confusion
How is it that some analysts put pure-electric car sales at hundreds of thousands in 2012 whereas others report a mere 60-65,000? At analysts IDTechEx, we feel that a lack of rigor is largely to blame because there are cars homologated as such and car-like vehicles that are not homologated as cars.

20 May 2013
IDTechEx launches online Market Intelligence Portal
IDTechEx has recently launched an online browser-based Market Intelligence Portal , bringing you in-depth market intelligence and independent analysis throughout the year.

17 May 2013
Opportunities for power electronics in electric vehicles
The day is coming when electric vehicles (EVs) land, water and airborne are as much as 80% electronics and electrics if we include the power components.

16 May 2013
DSSCs: Slow growth forecasted for 3rd generation solar technology
The market for dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) is forecasted to slowly grow to over $130 million by 2023 according to market research company IDTechEx, as discussed extensively in the newly published report Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC/DSC) 2013-2023: Technologies, Markets, Players.

15 May 2013
Printed, Flexible and Organic Electronics sees 15.3% CAGR
The new report from IDTechEx titled Printed, Organic & Flexible Electronics: Forecasts, Players & Opportunities 2013-2023 finds that the total market for these technologies will grow from $16.04 billion in 2013 to $76.79 billion in 2023.

10 May 2013
Electric Vehicles 2013-2023 - Forecasts and Outlook: Webinar 22/23 May
IDTechEx has been forecasting all electric vehicle markets - land, water and air - for 13 years. On 22 & 23 May we will be hosting a free webinar "Electric Vehicles 2013-2023 - Forecasts and Outlook".

East Asia
09 May 2013
Printed electronics in East Asia: change of direction
Variously called Printed, Flexible or Organic Electronics, it is one of the fastest growing technologies in the world. It is of vital interest to industries as diverse as consumer goods, healthcare, mobility, electronics, media and architecture.

08 May 2013
New growth opportunities for electroactive polymers
IDTechEx Research finds that the electroactive polymer (EAP) market will be US$ 245 million in 2013.