Europe, Worldwide
19 Apr 2012
Wireless Sensor Networks: What's next for WSN at WSN & RTLS Europe
Starting with more humble killer applications such as meter reading in buildings, WSN will grow rapidly from $0.58 billion in 2012 to $2.4 billion in 2022 according to IDTechEx research.

18 Apr 2012
IDTechEx visits South Korea
IDTechEx recently visited South Korea as part of a UK Trade and Investment mission. Here we summarise some highlights of the trip.

17 Apr 2012
IDTechEx launch Printed Electronics World Directory and Buyers Guide
Designed to serve as an important link to assist communications between the various organisations active in Printed Electronics, it will carry a list of organizations segmented by their activity and alphabetically - compiled from our extensive database.

04 Apr 2012
IDTechEx Printed Electronics Europe 2012 Award Winners
The annual printed electronics award winners were announced at the IDTechEx Awards Dinner in Berlin, Germany on April 3rd. The awards recognize outstanding progress in the development and commercialization of printed electronics, an industry that produces a huge amount of technical innovation which will be used in many products.