29 Oct 2021
燃料電池の市場機会(路上走行用途):市場規模は2042年までに1,600億ドルに_IDTechEx Webinar
Thursday 4 November 2021 - $160 Billion Market by 2042. Includes what makes fuel cells an attractive technology pathway; overview of FCEV deployment in passenger cars, LCV, trucks, and buses; challenges facing FCEV deployment; and an overview of IDTechEx's independent 20-year forecasts for FCEV

28 Oct 2021
What Is Required for a True Digital Transformation in Materials R&D?
Digital transformation is the buzzword in every sector; materials science and chemistry R&D is behind the curve but certainly no exception. The prospects are, of course, very attractive, but the reality far, far harder. This article looks at the status of this transformation, the enabling solutions, and those unresolved pain points.

28 Oct 2021
Rare Earths in EVs: Problems, Solutions and What Is Actually Happening
EVs certainly mark the path to a more environmentally friendly future, but there are still concerns around the sourcing of certain components or materials within EVs. Electric motors literally drive EVs but rely heavily on rare-earth materials. Will EV manufacturers continue to rely so heavily on rare earths going into the future?

28 Oct 2021
Upcoming Webinar on Sensors and Sensor-Centric 6G Communications
Wednesday 3 November 2021 - Prospects for All Sensors and Preparation for Sensor-Centric 6G Communications in 2022. This webinar reveals progress in 2021 and prospects for 2022, and much more! Register your place on of the three sessions.

27 Oct 2021
New Passive Cooling for Buildings
With global warming kicking in and rising sea levels displacing millions to arid regions, there needs to be much more cooling of buildings. Two new passive options need to be welcomed that use readily available, non-toxic substances - metamaterials and unprecedentedly white paint reflecting maximum sunlight away from a building.

27 Oct 2021
プリンテッド・フレキシブルエレクトロニクス_2021年の動向_IDTechEx Webinar
Wednesday 10 November 2021 - The accelerating transition of printed/flexible electronics from technology push to market pull; Applications of printed/flexible electronic technologies that have been commercialized over the last 12 months; Roadmap for future adoption; A selection of both technical and commercial developments within the sector over the last year.

27 Oct 2021
ウエアラブルテクノロジー_2021年の動向_IDTechEx Webinar
Tuesday 2 November 2021 - A Summary of Key Market Data and Trends. This webinar will cover major trends in each sector of wearable technology, presenting data about the current state of the market as well as a general outlook for each sector

26 Oct 2021
Cultured Meat: A Global Perspective
Cultured meat has come a long way since 2013. What was once a concept from the realms of science fiction, made in tiny quantities in research labs for astronomical costs has now become an emerging industry, with start-ups across the world racing to become the first to successfully produce cultured meat on a commercial scale.

26 Oct 2021
Where is the Momentum in Wearables in 2021?
Over the past decade, wearables have progressed from a niche curiosity on the fringes of the consumer electronics sector, to being a key strategic element for many of the largest technology companies in the world. The total market for wearable technology products has doubled in annual revenue since 2015, generating nearly $80bn in revenue in 2020. However, with momentum, product trends, and focuses shifting all the time, it is important to stay ahead of the competition and consider the trends which will drive the sector over the coming years and decades.

22 Oct 2021
Thursday 28 October 2021 - Overview of current and future electric motor technologies from OEMs; Emerging motor technologies such as axial flux and in-wheel motors; A look at electric motors in cars, vans, trucks, two-wheelers and buses; and more.

21 Oct 2021
Who Is Winning at 6G?
Several billion dollars have been put on the table for 6G Communication so far. The IDTechEx report "6G Communications Market, Devices, Materials 2021-2041" reveals how Europe, North America, and East Asia are all strongly committed to this dream. So who is ahead in the race to mass deployment maybe in 2030?

20 Oct 2021
Will Huawei Survive? A Comprehensive Analysis from IDTechEx
Under US sanctions, Huawei's revenue in the first half of 2021 was RMB 320.4 billion, which despite COVID-19 is a 38% decrease from RMB 454 billion in the same period last year; Xu Zhijun, Huawei's rotating chairman, pointed out that Huawei's goal is to survive. IDTechEx has recently launched the new version of their market research report on 5G - "5G Technology, Market and Forecasts 2022-2032". Some of the findings from the new report are presented in this article.