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30 Nov 2016


フレキシブル基板に印刷されたセンサー市場が拡大しています。最も大きい分野である血中グルコーステストストリップは縮小しつつありますが、次世代のプリンテッドセンサーはそれ以外の用途も可能になるでしょう。 。
30 Nov 2016

Webinar Tuesday 13 December - Electronic Smart Packaging

IDTechEx are hosting a free webinar on Tuesday 13 December 2016 titled Electronic Smart Packaging: Trends and Review.
21 Nov 2016

New product announcements from the IDTechEx Show! exhibition hall

From the Exhibition Hall at the IDTechEx Show! in Santa Clara last week came a wide variety of new product announcements and press releases. Here we summarize some of the announcements.
18 Nov 2016

IDTechEx Show! USA 2016 Award Winners

The winners of the IDTechEx Awards were announced yesterday evening (16 November), at the end of the opening day of the IDTechEx Show! in Santa Clara, CA, where over 3,200 attendees were brought together at the biggest conference IDTechEx has held. The awards recognized the most significant innovations in electric vehicles, energy harvesting and storage and the internet of things (IoT).
18 Nov 2016

Connected vehicle important in Internet of Things

According to IHS Automotive forecasts, 55% of annual global new vehicle sales in 2020 will be vehicles that are connected - and at that time, nearly half of the global fleet of vehicles in operation will be connected.
16 Nov 2016

Key Emerging Technology Trends from the IDTechEx Show!

In this recording of the opening presentation at the IDTechEx Show! in Silicon Valley on Nov 16, 2016, Raghu Das, the CEO of IDTechEx, discusses some of the key technological trends that are creating huge opportunities.
16 Nov 2016

Webinar Tuesday 29 November - Internet of things: something new

DTechEx are hosting a free webinar on Tuesday 29 November 2016 titled Internet of Things: Something New Emerges from the Confusio.n
14 Nov 2016

Analysts: IDTechEx needs you!

IDTechEx is looking for analysts and sales people in Florida, Silicon Valley, the UK and Japan
10 Nov 2016

Hundreds of new electric vehicle technologies revealed

IDTechEx Show! on emerging technologies is taking place November 16-17 in Santa Clara California with record attendance and display of electric vehicle technologies of the future. Coverage is exceptionally comprehensive with land, water and airborne electric vehicle technologies in evidence.
10 Nov 2016

モノのインターネット(IoT) 実際の状況は?

2016年後半の調査: モノのインターネット(IoT)に関するIDTechExの調査レポートは投資家、ユーザー、新規参入者のお手伝いをいたします。
09 Nov 2016


09 Nov 2016

Buses reinvented

The very structure of the bus is changing with electrics, mechanics and electronics previously made as "components-in-a-box" being replaced by structural electronics - the roof is the solar, the dashboard is the instruments - all as smart materials.