30 Aug 2019
New IDTechEx report finds wearables accelerate healing chronic wounds
Though the human body has a tremendous capability to heal itself, wound healing can stall and create chronic non-healing wounds due to a variety of reasons such as ischemia, bacterial contamination, and chronic inflammation. IDTechEx Research have published a comprehensive report, "Advanced Wound Care Technologies 2020-2030", explaining why the incidence of chronic wounds is set to rise drastically in the next 10 years, and how electronic devices and other emerging technologies can address this upcoming challenge.

30 Aug 2019
Webinar Thurs 12 September 2019 - Value from Second-life EV Batteries
IDTechEx will be hosting a free webinar on Thursday 12 September 2019 titled Extracting Value from Second-life Electric Vehicle Batteries.

28 Aug 2019
量子ドット: 変化・拡大する用途の状況

26 Aug 2019
Wearables now worth over $50bn per year as growth quietly continues
IDTechEx's latest report on the topic has found that wearable technology products will be worth over $50bn in 2019. In fact, the total market size has doubled in size since 2014, placing wearables as one of the most consistently successful markets around consumer electronics in the last 5 years. However, in 2019 headlines have been less frequent, investment has become more focused, and generally the hype around wearables has all but faded. IDTechEx's most comprehensive study of wearable technology looks at how this sector has evolved over the last few years, and how things will change in the coming decade.

23 Aug 2019
In-Mold Electronics: challenges in every step?
Our report, In-Mold Electronics 2019-2029: Technology, Market Forecasts, Players, suggests that in-mold electronics can become a market larger than $750m by 2028. The market take-off will however occur only around 2023 or 2024, if not later. This is despite the fact that the technology has been in the making for many years. Indeed, first near-success in the automotive sector came as early as 2013/2014.

23 Aug 2019
Here Come 48V Full Hybrid Electric Vehicles
The new Hyundai Tucson switches off the engine when coasting or braking at under 30kph. This is a bridge to the 48V full hybrids that IDTechEx foresaw some time ago. IDTechEx correctly predicted that they would come sooner rather than later and not just as cars - thus the title of the new IDTechEx report embracing it all, "48V Mild Hybrid and 48V Full Hybrid Vehicles 2020-2030".

16 Aug 2019
IDTechEx: advanced wound care market to exceed $22 billion by 2030
IDTechEx, a market intelligence company focusing on emerging technologies, have released a new report titled "Advanced Wound Care Technologies 2020-2030". In the report, IDTechEx forecasts the market for advanced wound care technologies to exceed $22 billion by the year 2030.

16 Aug 2019
Material players set for big gains/losses in EV $1,000+ bn revolution
The electric vehicle market is growing very quickly. IDTechEx forecast that the total market will exceed $1,000bn value within the next 5-years across all categories: land, sea, and air. This huge growth is resulting in a large amount of turbulence within the supply chain. In particular, the material considerations are different to traditional internal combustion engines and provide a significant opportunity or threat - depending on your viewpoint.

16 Aug 2019
New biobased polymers coming to market in 2019
Biobased polymers are gaining increased prominence in the minds of consumers, as increased awareness of climate change and plastic pollution continues to grow. However, the range of biobased alternatives to the main plastics we encounter in our daily lives continues to limit its potential adoption. Key to accelerating the switch from petrochemical to biobased plastics is going to be a larger diversity of materials, including commodity polyolefins such as polypropylene and polyethylene. IDTechEx looks at the key manufacturers of biobased polymers and production methods and capacities, in their report, "Biobased Polymers 2018-2023: A Technology and Market Perspective".

15 Aug 2019
In-Wheel Motors for Electric Vehicles Evolving Fast
Electric motor drive is key to all electric vehicles and it is taking new forms. See IDTechEx report, "Electric Motors for Electric Vehicles Land, Water, Air 2019-2029".

14 Aug 2019
11月20日と21日に「第16回Printed Electronics USA」イベントが、シリコンバレーの中心地であるカリフォルニア州サンタクララで開催されます。過去最高の登録予約には、25カ国から178社以上の出展企業と250名のスピーカーが含まれています。来場者数は3,500人を超える見込み。2019年10月4日までに登録した参加者は15%割引となります。

12 Aug 2019
Battery Second Life: IDTechEx Research Reviews New Value Opportunities
The first batch of electric vehicle batteries are reaching their retirement age and the next ten years will see a huge increase in the volume of retired batteries. What will happen to the huge amount of used EV batteries? IDTechEx has recently released the latest report named Second-life Electric Vehicle Batteries 2020-2030.