27 Jun 2006
RFID Progress in Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals
Pfizer, NHS, Stora Enso, LifeForce Immune System Bank and Siemens keynote RFID in Healthcare session at the seventh annual RFID Smart Labels Europe event in London on September on 19-20.

20 Jun 2006
RFID in Retail - growing interest in item level
An update of Wal-Mart's RFID progress, paybacks so far and experience from consumer packaged goods suppliers.

13 Jun 2006
RFID - Not What it Seems
There is a great need for profit optimization and careful product positioning and repositioning in the frenetic but unforgiving RFID market that is increasing ten times to become a $26 billion business in 2016. IDTechEx has analyzed profit, cash generation, fund raising and acquisition strategy in RFID for a new report.

12 Jun 2006
A view from Venture Capitalists investing in RFID
Investors seek unique technologies, then some major customers. Passive RFID oversupplied; but opportunities for active RFID and software.

07 Jun 2006
Passive and Active RFID at Smart Labels Europe
In 2006 1.3 Billion RFID tags will be sold, with 500 million being applied to pallets and cases, over 200 million for contactless smart cards and the rest in a very diverse range of markets. Learn of these developments at RFID Smart Labels Europe, now co-located with Europe's first Active RFID summit.