28 Mar 2012
Printed Electronics Europe: Learn from those with E700Billion/yr sales
The gross sales of presenting companies at Printed Electronics Europe next week - including end users, integrators and providers, is more than €700 Billion annually. Attend the event in Berlin, on April 3-4 to learn how these organisations are progressing printed electronics.

28 Mar 2012
Touch screen market to reach $14 billion in 2012
Shipment of tablets with touch screen technology is expected to reach 100 million units in 2012.

22 Mar 2012
Positive Adoption Trends Expected to Double the Market Within 5 Years
The 4th IDTechEx Energy Harvesting and Storage event will be taking place on the 15th and 16th of May in Berlin, Germany and will cover recent progress and developments in energy harvesting, wireless sensors and related technologies.

21 Mar 2012
New: The printed electronics manufacturing forum
Printed electronics manufacturing is becoming increasingly integrated as companies work on putting together different printing, lamination, substrate handling, curing and finishing processes.

Europe, Worldwide
20 Mar 2012
Inorganic and composite printed electronics is favoured
At the forthcoming event, Printed Electronics and Photovoltaics Europe 3-4 April in Berlin, one third of the 94 presentations and masterclasses primarily concern organic compounds but two thirds primarily concern inorganic and composite devices. The organisers did not steer it that way: the customers did.

United States
09 Mar 2012
Reaching a wider e-mobility community
IDTechEx is once again meeting its promise to allow a wider community of e-mobility players to compare notes. As its name implies, {{Electric Vehicles Land Sea Air USA 2012|www.idtechex.com/evusa}} in San Jose California March 27-28 lets you meet people not present at events with a narrower product and geographical focus. This unique forum is vital to those widening their scope in the EV value chain, leaving behind those with tunnel vision.

07 Mar 2012
Printed and potentially printed electronics reach $9.4 billion in 2012
This includes devices not yet printed today but which are moving towards being printed. Of this market, 30% of the devices studied are made predominately by printing, and 6% are on a non-rigid substrate.