31 May 2023
Why Na-Ion Attraction Lies in Composition Rather Than Performance
Na-ion is probably the most prominent metal-ion battery chemistry outside of Li-ion, working via the same 'rocking chair' (where the alkali-ion shuttles from a non-metal anode to a cathode during discharge and vice versa during charge) principle of reversible cation intercalation, at a positive and negative electrode.

30 May 2023
Upcoming Webinar: A Primer on the Energy Storage & Hydrogen Landscape
Wednesday 14 June 2023 - Key for Decarbonisation but Challenges Lie Ahead. Li-ion batteries; Li-ion second-life and battery recycling; Alternative battery chemistries and energy storage technologies; Green and blue hydrogen

26 May 2023
The Major Application Areas Driving the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Market
The desire for zero-emission power generation has seen solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) touted as a possible solution. SOFC's capability to run on hydrogen and at a higher efficiency than alternative fuel cells when providing combined heat and power (CHP) is an enticing prospect, while fuel flexibility allows for a transition from hydrocarbons towards zero emission power generation as part of the hydrogen economy.

25 May 2023
主要半導体トレンド:エッジAI、自動車、先端半導体パッケージング_IDTechEx Webinar
Wednesday 21 June 2023 - IDTechEx's Key Semiconductor Trends in Edge AI, Automotive, and Advanced Semiconductor Packaging. AI-crucial technologies, such as autonomous driving, and the current state of the technology landscape; AI as enablers of new functionalities at the edge, such as for the smartphone market; Requirements for AI hardware at the edge; Semiconductor technologies used in autonomous vehicles; Capabilities of automotive semiconductor suppliers and the role of foundries; Key technology trend in semiconductor packaging; Growth drivers in main application areas for advanced semiconductor packaging: high performance computing (HPC) applications/data centers, communication networks, autonomous cars, and consumer electronics

25 May 2023
The Future of Nuclear SMRs: Will Start-ups Disrupt Established Players
Nuclear Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) aim to disrupt the nuclear industry, slashing the cost of nuclear energy to competitiveness with renewables + storage and making new decarbonization-enabling uses of nuclear power possible.

24 May 2023
Three Reasons Why Electric Beats Diesel for Mini Excavators
Like many industries, the construction vehicle and machine industry is on the path to electrification. It has been one of the latecomers to the electrification game, with little happening from OEMs until after 2020. But this is changing, with more electric product announcements covering a wider selection of vehicle types under the construction banner.

23 May 2023
Upcoming Webinar on Market Opportunities for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Thursday 1 June 2023 - Discuss the key applications for a solid oxide fuel cell, including the argument for utilising SOFC technology against competing solutions, and an overview of combined heat and power (CHP) operation; Highlight innovations in materials, manufacturing processes, and fuel choices for solid oxide fuel cells; Outline movement of major players in the SOFC market, including the driving forces behind the market today; Overview the solid oxide fuel cell market within the context of the broader fuel cell market, with consideration given to electrolysers

23 May 2023
「AIチップ」_IDTechEx Webinar
Wednesday 7 June 2023 - AI capabilities and why these matter; The link between AI and semiconductor manufacture; Reasons for government funding initiatives into shoring up domestic semiconductor supply chain capabilities; Outlook, both with regards to the effectiveness of these campaigns, as well as the global semiconductor supply chain and AI chips until 2033.

19 May 2023
Lidar: The Key to Unlocking the Future of Autonomous Vehicles
As autonomous vehicles (AV) become increasingly attractive, one technology that is playing a crucial role in their development is lidar. Lidar, short for Light Detection and Ranging, is a remote sensing method that uses lasers to measure distances and create detailed 3D maps of the environment.

19 May 2023
How Can Smart Packaging Best Add Value?
What is packaging for? From its initial purpose of simply protecting the product to driving sales via consumer engagement, the role of packaging has substantially evolved. Smart/intelligent packaging continues this trend towards greater functionality, employing sensors, printed electronics, and wireless communication to add value in novel ways.

18 May 2023
Using Sensors for Smart Factories & Efficient Manufacturing
With the high inflation, increasing labor costs, labor shortage, energy crisis, and hybrid working, the manufacturing industry experienced significant turmoil in 2022. Although some of these have started to get eased, 2023 is still expected to be a challenging year for the manufacturing industry.

17 May 2023
How the 3D Printing Industry Emphasized Production at Rapid + TCT
RAPID + TCT is one of North America's biggest trade shows and conferences for the additive manufacturing (AM) industry. This year, IDTechEx attended and spoke at the show; they interviewed prominent players and observed industry trends.