17 Dec 2010
Winners of the IDTechEx future of electric vehicles awards
The annual IDTechEx conference on the Future of Electric Vehicles - land, water and air held in San Jose, California saw 200 attendees with 12 exhibitors. The event, hosted the gala awards to recognise outstanding achievement in the industry. The chairman of IDTechEx Dr Peter Harrop opened the awards.

United States
08 Dec 2010
Printed Electronics USA 2010 Highlights
Last week the annual IDTechEx Printed Electronics event was held in the heart of Silicon Valley in California. Almost 1200 people attended the conference and 49,000 square foot exhibition.

03 Dec 2010
IDTechEx Printed Electronics USA 2010 award winners
The fourth annual printed electronics winners were announced on Dec 1st at the IDTechEx Awards Dinner in Santa Clara, USA.